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  • Writer's pictureSarah Cunningham

Life during the pandemic

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

by Wilfred D.

Covid-19 was a really bad experience to some of us. Many people died,many people got infected, but I thank god my family was safe.During covid-19 we couldn’t go out. Every store was closed just for safety reasons. Many people stayed with no job also. When we used to go out, we needed to wear gloves and a face mask to be safe and social distancing(6 feet apart.)

My experience during covid-19 was very boring because I’m that kind of a guy that can’t stay inside a house for too long, but I didn’t have any choice. I’d rather stay inside safe than be outside in danger. The first days of quarantine was very fun but then I got bored of doing the same and same everyday. I used to feel like like days were the same just because I used to wake up, eat breakfast, go to class, and after class play PlayStation4 until 2am or 5am. Than I wouldgo to sleep, wake up early again and again.

One day I got bored of how my hair was looking so I told my mom I was going to get a cut with my cousin just because I was feeling homeless and I had to get a haircut. My mom agreed to it so I got a haircut. May 10 was my friend’s birthday so I got invited to a little party at her house so I spoke to my mom about it and my mom agreed I could go but with a condition wearing my face mask and gloves.

After may 10 I started going out with my condition and staying apart from people I don’t know. Finally, now that things are kind of better, I can go out to parks and enjoy some of my days with some friends riding,going to parks and a lot of other things, but we wear our face mask and gloves.

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