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  • Writer's pictureSarah Cunningham

Covid-19--My Family

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

by Erika M.

The COVID-19 disease is transmitted from person to person. This pandemic was just an outbreak in late December 2019. The first infected with Covid 19 were Chinese. Scientists say that in the big outbreak in December, many people died. Also they are still infected and quarantined. As the days passed many people became infected with Covid 19. It started to spread in many countries because many people are not protecting themselves and taking precautions to avoid getting sick.

In March, many people went into shock because they closed everything, like restaurants, schools, and other activities. In March my family became so concerned when my sister and I told them that we were going to be quarantined. My sister and I were beginning the quarantine. A week later, my mother was told that she was no longer going to work because the restaurant was going to close and that everything had to be quarantined. All my working family was left without work. My whole family was put in quarantine. The following months passed very quickly and the food ended very quickly because there are many of us in the apartment we are in. We lived with 8 people.

The first 2 months everything was fine because my mom had savings which was what was used to buy food, pay rent and other things. After two months, my mother got a little difficult because every time the food is small, but my mother says this will all be over soon. Every time someone goes out to buy food, they always wear masks and gloves to avoid becoming infected.

Covid 19 is affecting many countries and many people have died, but thank God my family has not been infected with the coronavirus. For a few days my mother saw on the news that many people are dying, but many people also go to schools and other places to order food, but there are people who get up very early and queue to eat. They do this to support their children, but also people have already started going out.

The bad thing is that there are people who do not wear masks and there are others who use it as a precaution. Many of the people do not respect the rules. There are more infected people. For example, many people go out to the street and do not take distance. The distance should be about 6 feet away. This is because when a person sneezes, it does not affect another since infections run more than 3 feet and expands in the air in 20 minutes.

On May 30, my mother took us to the park to relieve stress, but told us that we should wear a mask to avoid becoming infected with the virus. The Covid- 19 made my family join together more and now we share a lot of time together. We don't worry much since we now have food due to the online classes. It is a little stressful, but my mother says that we should do our part because everyone is in crisis.

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